


This course explores the literature and thought of the Old Testament in its original historical setting in the ancient Near East and in the context of the entire biblical story. 它向学生介绍了代表旧约主要部分的精选段落(摩西五经), 历史书, 智慧文学, Prophetic Literature) while articulating the overarching narrative coherence of the Old Testament as part of the larger story of God’s purposes for the world that the entire 圣经 recounts.

圣经1020 |新约导论

这是新约圣经的概览. This course provides the student with an overview of the biblical and theological foundation upon which Roberts Wesleyan College has been established. The curriculum overviews each of the New Testament books while re搜索ing the authors and the literary sociological, 神学背景和当代应用的观点.

Buad 2400 |业务连续性

This eight-week course will examine and provide an understanding of the ten Professional practices in 业务 Continuity Management. 本课程将回顾每个专业实践. With each Professional Practice the student will establish the body of knowledge necessary to build organizational resiliency. 参与者将研究组织的威胁,这些威胁的风险以及如何减轻风险. 主题将包括建立业务延续计划, 风险分析, 业务影响分析和桌面练习. Strategies will be introduced that allow an entity to continue mission critical operations in the event of a crisis. 危机管理和危机沟通的概念也将被涵盖.

MGMT 2200 |人力资源入门

在本课程中, 学生将探索招聘政策和实践, 选择, 培训, 发展, 以及员工的薪酬. 而大多数学生并不是人力资源专业人士, 他们受到标准的影响, 政策, 以及人力资源部门的指导方针.


本课程侧重于公开演讲原则的实际应用. 学生获得准备和发表正式演讲的经验, 他们还培养了有效倾听和批判性分析的技能.

Comp 0090 |作家工作室

这个为期五周的速成课程旨在提高写作技巧和鼓励批判性思维技能. 学生将花时间阅读、思考、写作和修改. 完成课程后,学生将能够:

  • 理解和使用写作作为一个过程,
  • 发现并纠正语法和力学方面的常见问题;
  • 将他们的想法组织成清晰连贯的文章,


Comp 2050 |写作与批判性分析

This course provides instruction in writing that encourages learners to generate and perfect the techniques and skills required for academic writing. 强调批判性思维和分析性写作, 本课程的重点是说明文的特点和用途. 本课程满足管理学写作要求.

Comp 3200 |创意写作

这门课程是为那些认为写作不仅仅是一种有用技能的学生设计的, 同时也是一门艺术. 学生将会写好几种体裁——诗歌, 个人叙事和创造性小说或非小说, 使用当代读物作为他们工作的模型.  学生将被要求努力掌握良好的写作基础, 从正确的语法和标点符号到比喻语言和优美的风格. 在课程结束时,学生将完成三篇精雕细琢的作品. One of the course’s primary goals is to support not only growth in the students’ writing skills but also in their self-awareness and confidence.

Litr 3040 |短篇小说

本课程主要通过短篇小说向学生介绍严肃的文学研究. 学生将阅读和讨论选定的短篇小说作品.


在本课程中 we will examine themes in adolescent literature and discuss the application of their meaning to real life.  虽然文学被认为是青少年,但它的主题是普遍的,适用于所有年龄段.  重点将放在主题的反思和意义探索及其对生活的意义.  在探索文学的过程中, 美高梅mgm平台将研究设置的影响, 叙述, 描述, 情节, 语气, 描述, 对话, 作者, 历史背景.

计算机导论 & 应用程序

这是一门计算机及其应用的入门课程,主要面向非传统的学生. The class meets once a week over five weeks for four hours (approximately one and a half hours of lecture and two and a half hours of lab). 讲座主题包括计算机硬件和软件,特别侧重于Microsoft Office, 计算机组织与操作, 文件存储和网络, 协作工具, 业务应用程序, 以及社交网络. 这门课程将强调计算机在商业环境中的应用.

Nhad 3800 ** |医疗理财

这是一门概览课程,将提供医疗保健会计和金融的深入介绍. This course is intended to give those who seek to manage health care organizations the accounting and financial management foundation they need to assure that their organizations produce information that will support their responsibility to make necessary and sound decisions. The course will focus on the operations of health care organizations such as not for profit and for profit hospitals, physician groups and other healthcare agencies including how these organizations use accounting and financial systems for decision making.

Nhad 4000 ** |卫生保健政策、伦理和法律

本课程介绍了卫生保健提供者和管理人员所面临的道德和法律困境的回顾. 在美国的医疗保健系统的发展背后的价值观进行了深入的探讨. 回顾了州政府和联邦政府政策的形成. 研究了美国卫生政策对卫生保健服务的影响和监管. 探讨了伦理决策的应用.

4100 ** |卫生保健人力资源

本课程将为本科生提供人力资源决策的框架, 理解员工的发展, 考核与员工薪酬, 以及医疗机构内部的招聘和保留流程. This course familiarizes the student with the field of human resources management through an examination of the major components of labor law, 集体谈判权, 劳动关系. 除了, the course provides purposeful exploration of how strategic management of human resources creates value and delivers results in health care.

Nhad 4200 ** |养老院管理

养老院的管理人员负责养老院的许多长期运作, 比如理财, 建立政策, 指导员工等等.  This is a multi-faceted job which requires a number of educational credentials as well as licensure from one’s state.  该模块涵盖了所有实践领域的内容, 由美国卫生保健管理学院设立, 并将为学生提供养老院管理领域的广泛基础概述.  内容是完全面向教育学生执照作为养老院管理人员.


文化地理是一本有趣的书, 精彩又实用的课程,丰富你的人生, 加强你的地理知识, 历史, 时事新闻.  它的目的是使地理易于理解和有趣.  这位教师热爱地理,游历广泛,并以个人轶事强化了这一主题.

音乐1910 |音乐入门

向学生介绍音乐艺术及其材料,重点是听力技能的发展.  这门课不对音乐专业的学生开放.

Phil 2801 |批判性思维

The student develops skills for evaluating arguments through an applied study of the formal and informal components of language and reasoning.  这门课程是为一种深思熟虑、见多识广、细心周到的生活做准备.

人类3010 |历史 & 成人教育哲学

学习是一个终身的过程,它发生在工作场所, 社区, 教会, 还有教室.  在本课程中,学生将学习支持从个人经验中学习的理论.  Students will draw from the works of scholars such as David Kolb and Malcolm Knowles to produce life-learning essays that may be submitted to faculty readers for additional academic credit.

心理学2010 |发展心理学

本课程介绍人类从受孕到死亡的发展过程.  重点将放在身体上, 认知, 情感和社会发展, 强调当代问题, 关注和信息的应用.


本课程为非理科生开设的当代人类生物学讲座课程. 本课程将着重于基本的生命化学和细胞功能, 人体器官系统及相关疾病, 以及影响人类健康和社会的生物伦理问题.

Biol 1500 |人类营养

本讲座课程介绍有关营养素的信息, 它们被身体使用, 以及它们与人类健康的关系.


这门课程是对社会问题的性质和范围的调查, 产生它们的条件, 以及美高梅mgm平台的社会试图应对它们的方法.

2050年奥运会|民族 & 社会的多样性

这门课程是关于人类多样性以及美高梅mgm平台国家和世界的社会和经济公正的研究.  它的目标是通过提高一个人的文化意识来培养文化素养和敏感的专业人士, 促进他们的知识获取, 并协助技能发展.  Students will end this course with a better understanding of themselves and the diverse groups that will be examined.

社会学3010 ** |老年学

本课程概述了衰老过程和与正常生长发育相关的问题, 重点是发展, 实现, 以及对满足老年人需求的项目进行评估.  本课程还将讨论与衰老相关的行为健康问题, 包括文化和群体影响的社会心理影响.  关于预防的讨论, 诊断, 评估, 政府还将审查干预措施以及对影响老年人的立法的审查.  除了, an understanding the death and dying process as a normal part of the life cycle and an examination of the specific are needed to care for the dying patient and (their) family as they complete that last stage of growth and 发展 will also be considered.

Sgen 3100:女性领导

本课程旨在为对领导力有普遍兴趣的学生提供见解, 视角, 尤其是与女性领导有关的考虑.  It assumes that understanding leadership issues as they relate specifically to women will benefit both women and men as they engage in leadership in their daily lives.  它基于这样的假设:尽管所有领导人都面临许多类似的挑战, women face some unique challenges depending both on their personal 历史 and experiences as well as on the experience and 历史 of the organizations where they lead or hope to lead.  The course will identify skills and strategies for women in recognizing barriers to leadership in themselves and in the context in which they lead and for women and men in promoting leadership contributions from all individuals.


**The Nursing 首页 Administration course sequence is designed to help health care professionals seeking licensure 在护理 首页 Administration meet the New York State’s Department of Health educational requirements. 有资格获得执照, 申请人必须拥有认可机构的学士学位或更高学位以及列出的课程.


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R.N. B.S. 在护理 -如果您是在职注册护士, 美高梅mgm平台的注册护士到学士课程可以帮助你在15个月内获得护理学士学位, 在课堂上或在网上.
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